Japan Robot Duel: Country Accepts US Challenge, Demands Metal-To-Metal Combat

Japan responded with a 'yes' to the friendly challenge proposed by a US company to match their real-life gigantic robots. Suidobashi Heavy Industries of Japan and Megabots, Inc. of USA will clash their ultimate inventions.

For the very first time, people around the world will witness two giant robots in a battle, that is typically only seen in movies and TV shows. Now everyone can witness the 9,000-pound Kuratas of Japan and the 12,000-pound Mk II of USA inside a battle field.

The whole idea began last week when Megabots dared the Japanese robot maker by publishing a video. In the challenge video first released by the US company, they explained the significance of the duel. Both companies have a duty to the science fiction lovers who are dreaming to witness this kind of fight.

The US also asked Japan to name the battlefield within one year.

Kogoro Kurata, the founder of Suidobashi Heavy Industries showed his playful side in his response to Megabots. He even threw insults regarding the design of the opponent's robot.

"Come on guys, make it cooler...  Just building something huge and sticking guns on it. It's....Super American," the founder said.

The Japanese company also pointed out that they do not want the match to be a long-range type, just like a paintball battle. Instead, they challenged the US for a melee, metal-to-metal type of combat. This means that the battle is going to be hard-fought and fierce between the two.

"If we're gonna win this, I want to punch them to scrap and knock them down to do it." Mr. Kurata added.

The founder of the Kuratas maker is firm in saying they cannot let other countries win in the field where they excel. Japan's reply is more conditional, stating that US company should be the one to organize the match in order for it to happen.

The public will surely watch out for potentially the world's first giant robot duel!

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