Big Mac Deep-Fried: McDonald’s Fan Creates Ultimate Fast Food Item Deep-Frying Burger – Delicious Or Gross? [PHOTOS+VIDEO]

It seems like the pinnacle of junk food has just been reached, as a fast food junkie created a Big Mac deep-fried for his ultimate fulfillment of a craving, and the video of this new menu item has gone viral, as the Internet seems unsure whether it's absolutely delicious or plainly disgusting.

According to Time Magazine, the Big Mac deep-fried idea came from the food blogger chef at Peep My Eats, as he decided to coat his staple McDonald's burger in Panko breadcrumbs, deep fry it, put it on a stick and then adding some Big Mac sauce on the top.

The Daily Mail reports that the process behind the Big Mac deep-fried went as follows: the food blogger went to McD, got his burger, took it home and then covered it entirely in beaten egg yolks, then rolling it in bread crumbs and drowning it in the deep fryer for a few minutes until it's golden brown.

Since the video of the Big Mac deep-fried was posted on YouTube on June 25, it has received over 20,000 views and has gone viral, even becoming one of the hottest topics in Google Trends, as people are both fascinated and completely grossed out by the idea.

 Yup, a Deep Fried Big Mac With Extra Mac Sauce on Top @mcdonalds Holla At Me #PeepMyEats #BellyBoner #TryNotToEatYourPhone

Una foto publicada por Peep My Sneaks (@peepmysneaks) el 23 de Jun de 2015 a la(s) 4:45 PDT

According to The Mirror, though, the Big Mac deep-fried is literally not for the faints of heart: Big Mac has stated that a regular Big Mac is already 563 calories in its regular version, and deep-frying it would put an estimated 1,000 extra calories on it - in all, more than 1,500 calories, which is about 500 less than the recommended daily calorie intake in women.

Besides posting the How To video on YouTube, Peep My Eats also posted the progress on Instagram, showing off pictures of the experiment for the world to watch - and become seriously terrified.

Watch the Big Mac deep-fried video below, under warning!

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