‘Frozen’ Softball Team: 5 Year-Olds Won’t ‘Let It Go,’ Become Most ADORABLE Disney ‘Frozen’ Softball Team Ever! [PHOTOS]

The most successful Disney Princess movie of recent times, starring Idina Menzel as Queen Elsa and Kristen Bell as Princess Anna, is the true love of millions of little girls all over the world, many of whom like to dress up as the singer of the Oscar-winning song "Let it Go" - but this "Frozen" softball team took things to a whole other level!

(c) 2015 Betsy Gregory Photography. Please do not copy, crop or alter in any way, Thanks!

Posted by Betsy Gregory Photography on dimanche 14 juin 2015

This "Frozen" softball team comes from Oklahoma and it's called The Freeze (even though they considered naming themselves The Sparkling Elsas at some point), and it's comprised of 4 and 5 year-old little diehard fans of the movie.

According to People Magazine, photos of the "Frozen" softball team went viral in the past couple of days, when Betsy Gregory, a photographer and the mother of one of the little girls, posted the look of these sweet-looking princesses ready to play.

A shot of my sweet girls from our news interviews today...had to take advantage of the photo op when it was available. ...

Posted by Betsy Gregory Photography on mardi 16 juin 2015

Entertainment Tonight Online reports that, in fact, the members of the "Frozen" softball team met each other when they were all in dance class, but their parents thought it would be a good idea to get all of them to work in a team sport - and the girls were quickly on board when they were told they could play in a team inspired by their favorite Disney character!

As it can be seen in the pictures, the "Frozen" softball team wears Elsa's blue and white when they get down to play ball, proving that it's possible to be a princess and a sports star at the same time - these little girls are feminist icons without even knowing it!

Friends making a memory they will never forget...*If you like what you see, please give my business page a little...

Posted by Betsy Gregory Photography on mardi 16 juin 2015

According to E! Online, the little girls don't really wear the Elsa dresses when they go to the field, but rather more appropriate attire that matches these colors and uses the "Frozen" font, but Gregory thought it'd be sweet to take a snap of all of them looking "angry" while dressed as Queen Elsa.

The "Frozen" softball team takes the prize for the cutest thing in the Internet this week!

Another Elsa shot, just for kicks and since posts with pictures seem to get more traffic....really, this is a note to my...

Posted by Betsy Gregory Photography on jeudi 18 juin 2015

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