Pig Saves Goat from Stream, Must See Video

Here's a video of a pig saving a goat, apparently from drowning. In the 30 second video, you first see a baby goat stuck in a small pond or stream, obviously struggling as it's making sounds and cries of desperation. Then the videographer calls out saying "goat in the water."

Suddenly a piglet swims towards the goat and pushes it to the shore. Then the pig leads the goat up the rocky shore and into safety. Miraculous!

The videographer ends the video saying "And there he is, the hero pig."

Jebdogrpm, the poster of the video on YouTube, described the video as "Pig saves goat who's foot was stuck underwater at petting zoo. Simply amazing."

Some of the significant comments on the video include:

Pigs rank 4th in animal intelligence - right behind chimpanzees, dolphins and elephants. Watching this video certainly makes me question why some people "love dogs, eat pigs, and wear cows". It just doesn't make sense.


So, IF this is real, that's pretty awesome. But guy who's filming, you really should have put down the camera and gone to get a handler. Goats and sheep aren't very smart and panic in water. They get exhausted easily and can drown within a number of minutes.


While this is SO SWEET, why the EFF was camera man just saying "goat in the water. goat in the water" whilst doing NOTHING?? EPIC FAIL, camera man.


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