Burger King Red Burger: After Black Bun, Whopper Makers Eye Colorful Japan Burger Buns [PHOTO]

It's been widely established that the Asian market for fast food is widely different than that of Western nations, and the biggest chains in the world often try out menu items that wouldn't be dreamed of in America or Europe, such as the new Burger King red burger in Japan.


Posted by BURGER KING JAPAN /バーガーキング・ジャパン on mercredi 17 juin 2015

According to The Wall Street Journal, the Burger King red burger comes in two different varieties: the Ana Chicken Samurai, which will be retailing for ¥540 (namely, $4.40) while the Aka Samurai Beef ones will be available for ¥690 (around $5.50).

The Independent jokes that the new Burger King red burger is only the next step in the color scheme for the fast food giant, as they've seemingly improved their recipe for colored buns since their black burger came out last year; although it looked interesting at the start, ultimately the flavor wasn't working for patrons.

Months before the Burger King red burger, the Japanese franchise of the fast food chain had already made headlines with its Premium Kuro (Black) Burgers, and it's not the oddest bit of news to come out of the country's fast food franchises, as KFC once introduced chicken-themed computer peripherals and Burger King themselves launched a perfume with a Whopper scent.

To achieve the new red coloring in their buns, Burger King added tomato powder, doing the same for the cheese inside.

For those living in Japan or planning to go to the Land of the Rising Sun during the summer, the Burger King red burger is a good way to get a taste of the goodies in the Asian nation's fast food groove!

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