Study Shows Stroke Can Add 8 Years To Your Age

A recent study made by researchers at the University of Michigan shows that anyone who has suffered from a stroke could add up 8 years to their age. The mind gets to think fast in an instant and memory starts to deteriorate when stroke happens to an individual.

The researchers made patients answer some tests and the result that they got from them are answers that someone who is years older than their age would give. The Daily Mail reported that it was a cognitive test that has 27 items on it that measure that thinking ability and the memory of patients who suffered from heart attack. The scientists also noticed that regardless of the race and ethnic background of the patient, the results came out the same.

A more in-depth report was given by The Silver Ink about the recent findings that connect aging drastically and patients who experienced stroke. The researchers collected data from 4,900 people whose are 65 and above. Although the researchers used some detailed surveys, they only involved patients who have not experienced stroke recently, but rather have the documents based on these patients getting the test within their 12 years of suffering from stroke.

The researchers have used detailed surveys to conduct their study but they only used patients who have not suffered from heart attack recently. Instead, they looked into those who had a stroke within the last 12 years and made them take their first cognitive test.

In a nutshell, Science World Report wrote about giving awareness to the public and the fact that stroke is the leading reason why a lot of Americans die in the U.S. Others may have survived and lived, but they suffer the long-term disability caused by it and the research the scientists conducted just brought up ways on how to prevent stroke to happen to a person. It is best to always be prepared and be health conscious regarding this issue.

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