History Maker 9-Way Kidney Transplant Procedure Succeeds In San Francisco

A successful 9-way kidney transplant operation was performed at the San Francisco Medical Center, giving hope to people stricken by their kidney disease.

With the help of a new software, this victory in the medical industry was made possible that doctors behind the said procedure successfully completed 18 surgeries. The surgery is a record-breaking world's longest kidney transplant chain ever performed in a single city according to iSchoolGuide. The spokesperson for California Pacific told SF Gate that there was nothing unexpected that happened and everything turned out to work smoothly.

Pierce Pioneer said that this current success of the medical world to have found a way for kidney transplant to be successful and fast was something anyone could call innovative, knowing that there are 101,000 Americans who are on a waitlist to acquire a deceased kidney donor. Family of the patients could certainly volunteer and donate their kidney, but there is no guarantee that they would perfectly match the patient's and it's mostly because of the variation in blood types and even some proteins that are present in their body.

Tech Times has also captured this amazing moment in science that they recorded the results where 9 people gave their kidneys to 9 different patients for this revolutionary breakthrough in the medical world. It is a moment that a lot of people won't ever forget, especially when it has saved the lives of many.

For only three months, 68 people now have new kidneys and a new life to live because of this groundbreaking procedure that was recently discovered. Technology has once again made the human race's life progress, as it brings more hope to those who need kidneys. Now, the chances of a patient getting a matched donor becones high and even more efficient. Life couldn't get better than living in this generation.

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