Montel Duggars: ‘Montel Williams Show’ Host Distrusts Duggars Interview, Twitter Users Agree

Ever since the rumors and confirmation of Josh Duggar's past as having molested some of his sisters when he was a teenager and they were young children, the world has set their eyes on the "19 Kids and Counting" family, and it's clear that there's one host that doesn't believe in the story, as Montel's Duggars opinion comes out yet again.

Montel Williams was the host of the long-running syndicated show "Montel" for many years, and has been a personality on television for a fairly long time because of it, often being in the media over his opinions, and Montel's Duggars comments have made it quite clear where he stands on the subject.

According to Just Jared, the latest Montel Duggars comments came after Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, Josh's parents, were interviewed 3 about the situation, speaking to Megyn Kelly in a piece aired last June 3 on Fox New.

While Montel's Duggars opinion clearly stated that he felt for Michelle and Jim Bob as parents (being a father of 3 girls himself), the host was quick to say that there was something that felt wrong about the way they were treating the scandal, saying, among many things, that they were "hypocritical."

"There is something very sinister beneath the surface - these are people who basically said they thought they could be as preachy as they wanted because the records were sealed, these are people who seemingly minimize what happened in their home and essentially sent a message to their daughters to smile, nod and forgive," Williams wrote on his Facebook. "It's eerily reminiscent of the "keep sweet" mantra in Warren Jeffs' FLDS."

At the time the scandal broke out, Us Weekly reported a first bout of Montel's Duggars criticism, calling Josh Duggar a "bigot," claiming hypocrisy over Josh's history of child abuse while he claims the LGBT community is dangerous to children.

According to The Huffington Post, Montel's Duggars opinion wasn't the only one shining through, as many Twitter users criticizing the Duggar parents' use of the word "mistake" to treat Josh's criminal actions, claiming this minimizes what he did.

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