National Donut Day 2015: June 5’s Doughnut Holiday, Find Out Where To Get Free Donut DEALS!

A food holiday that everyone can get on board with (particularly Homer Simpson), National Donut Day 2015 will be celebrated this Friday, June 5, and it'll be time for doughnut lovers all over the country to find some deals to consume this delicious pastry!

Besides the National Donut Day 2015, there are a number of food-related holidays all over the world celebrating some of the most beloved foods and drinks out there, from the very recent National Burger Day all the way to other unofficial holidays celebrating pizza, beer and even beloved hazelnut and chocolate spread Nutella!

According to Time Magazine, Dunkin' Donuts is, of course, one of the major food chains celebrating National Donut Day 2015 this week, as they'll be handing out free doughnuts to customers who purchase a beverage on Friday while supplies last in all participating locations nationwide as they celebrate their main food item.

That's not all, though, as The Inquisitr reports that other major chains celebrating National Donut Day 2015 will be another pastry favorite, Krispy Kreme, as doughnut lovers can stop by at any of their locations throughout the country to order a free doughnut with no necessary purchase except in Connecticut.

In fact, Krispy Kreme won't only be celebrating National Donut Day 2015 in the U.S., but they'll be extending their deal to their locations in Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Japan Malaysia, Korea, Turkey, the Philippines and Australia!

According to People Magazine, other major chains celebrating this holiday will be Winn Dixie grocery stores, as they'll be giving away one free doughnut hole per customer at their bakery counters in-store - not a whole donut, but it's delicious enough!

In case you didn't know, National Doughnut Day 2015 was actually created by the Salvation Army in commemoration of those women who served donuts to soldiers during World War I, and so this year they're partnering up with Entenmann's in a contest where, by only entering, you could win free doughnuts for one year, and every entry will also be a $1 donation to the Salvation Army!

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