Earthquake California 2015: Dutch Researcher Claims California’s Going ‘Into The Sea’ – FACT Or Pseudoscience? [VIDEO]

As Dwayne Johnson's disaster movie "San Andreas" about an earthquake in California 2015 is one day away from hitting theaters all over the United States, someone else is claiming that the Golden State is about to fall into the water and then cause a major tsunami in Japan.

Of course, this prediction about an earthquake in California 2015 is completely new, and now it's gone viral after more than half a million people watched the clip on YouTube that claims that California, a traditionally seismic zone in itself, is about to have its worst earthquake yet that'll ultimately wipe it off the face of the planet.

According to The Daily Mail, a researcher called Frank Hoogerbeets, from the Netherlands, has recently posted a 28-minute video speaking about a massive earthquake in California 2015 that's about to strike the state where large cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego are in.

Hoogerbeets is the founder and president of Ditrianum Media, a Dutch non-profit that was founded to research through number analysis and bring number theory and numerology to the number public, including these new claims of a massive earthquake in California 2015 that'll tear the state from the ground on May 28.

Hoogerbeets claims that this earthquake in California 2015 will be happening at 4pm local time, supposedly caused from a "planetary alignment" as the science enthusiast and numerology expert claims that Nostradamus (yes, the famous seer from the 16th century) had said something similar in his claims; but, according to USA Today, there is no way there will be any major earthquake today.

"Let me be clear: No, it won't," writes Bad Astronomer Phil Plait. "It can't. Worse, there's not even really an alignment on that date, at least not with the Earth. It's all baloney."

The Washington Post calls Hoogerbeets "unreliable at best" as a source of predictions, so residents of the West Coast state can rest assured that there will be no planetary alignment causing a massive earthquake in California 2015 today.

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