Jeffrey Dean Morgan Dramatically Lost 40 Pounds

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the actor who played Duquette on 'Grey's Anatomy' dropped 40 pounds by just eating one can of Tuna a day.

The actor went on a dangerous crash diet to drop weight for his latest role in the History Channel miniseries 'Texas Rising'.

The actor told Today that the Producers of the TV series recommended that he needed to lose 10 pounds to be fit in the character of a sick person. Instead of losing the weight required for the role, Jeffrey ended up losing 40 pounds by just eating a can of tuna fish a day.

Morgan explains his insanity on Today "I did it in the most unhealthy way possible. I didn't consult with a doctor or anything," the actor added, whose character has tuberculosis, "We had said maybe we should lose, like, 10 pounds, and I just kept going and going, and by the end of the movie, I was just moving like a snail."

Weight transformation is common in Hollywood, but still celebrities never cease to surprise us with their methods.

Most celebrities' credit their desirable physiques to a healthy diet of white meat and fresh vegetables. They also maintain fitness through exercises like Pilates and Yoga.

Many actors however still resort to unhealthy diets that take an ugly toll on their bodies. This happens when they take their diets to measures that the body can no longer respond to. Crash diets, which are often unhealthy, reel in celebrities especially when there is tremendous pressure to have a physique or look requirement for a role.

Many Hollywood stars aare overwhelmed by conflicting diet advices. however proper advice from nutritionists to whip up a good food program and avoid insane diet choices like Morgans, will put weight issues at bay.

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