Galapagos Islands Animals: Volcano Erupts After 33 Years, Are Endangered Species Threatened? [PHOTOS]

Known for having been the study spot for evolution theory pioneer and iconic naturalist Charles Darwin, the Galapagos Islands animals are among the most varied in any ecosystem on Earth, and the famous islands host a wide array of species of all types.

One of the most iconic species among the Galapagos Islands animals is the pink iguana, as it's the only place in the world where these can be found, and considering how unique it is, there's no wonder to see that naturalists around the world are concerned over the eruption and what measures should be taken to preserve the wildlife.

According to Al Jazeera, the Wolf volcano, sitting on the northern tip of Isabela Island (the largest in the archipelago) erupted last Monday at approximately 1:30 am local time for the first time in 33 years, having last been active in the 80s and now endangering the Galapagos Islands animals.

The Guardian reports that there's no human population in the vicinities of the Wolf volcano, so concern has turned towards Galapagos Islands animals, as the Galapagos National Park (Parque Nacional Galápagos in its original Spanish) posted pictures of the volcano's eruption, which is one of five active volcanoes in the island, along with Sierra Negra, Cerro Azul, Darwin and Alcedo.

CNN reports, however, that the Galapagos Islands animals are safe, according to information from Ecuador's Environment Ministry; currently, lava is pouring down the southern face of the volcano, but in fact the pink iguanas (which are considered an endangered species) live on the other side, which puts concerns to rest.

It was in Isabela that Charles Darwin felt inspired to write his theory of evolution, after visiting in 1835 and seeing the Galapagos Islands animals in all its wide variety - and, besides being known for its wildlife, the spot has also turned into a scientific voyage of exploration for those who appreciate Darwin's work.

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