13 Great Whites Huntington Beach Discovered Lingering At Sunset Beach

An alarming number of Great Whites Huntington Beach were spotted by the Huntington Beach Police Department helicopter on Tuesday night that calls alert on the increasing numbers of the sharks in the waters off Sunset Beach.

Huntington Beach Police reported presence of 13 Great Whites Huntington Beach that are between six to ten feet. The sharks infesting the waters are believed to be juvenile. Officer Jennifer Marlatt stated that the young sharks are lingering in the waters nearly 50 feet from shore, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The sudden influx of the Great Whites Huntington Beach sightings could hamper and affect vacationers who are planning to take their holiday at the Sunset Beach. Beginning April, occurrence of the sharks has alerted residents and beachgoers.

"The odds are in our favor, but just to be on the safe side, I'm not taking my (kids) to Sunset Beach soon, until shark birthing and juvenile season is over," Olivia Herstein, a surfer and Los Angeles resident told The Orange County Register. "For now, I'll keep my kids -- and my own limbs -- on the north side of Seal Beach and at Malibu."

It is becoming very alarming since Great Whites Huntington Beach sightings have been reported in the recent weeks. At the time the Huntington Beach Police Department discovered the shark sightings, the update was forwarded to the Huntington Beach lifeguards.

According to INQUISITR, there had been no swimmers or surfers at the time the 13 Great Whites Huntington Beach occurrence were noted around 6 p.m. Experts are now focusing on answers on why sightings of the sharks are becoming frequent near the shore of the Sunset Beach.

With the report of the Huntington Beach Police Department, the agency issued more alert warning signs along the Sunset Beach area to inform beachgoers on the incidence of the Great Whites Huntington Beach.

While some beachgoers are terrified with the reported Great Whites Huntington Beach presence, some surfers have expressed their willingness to still surf amidst the sharks infestation. One Huntington surfer Mike Butler stated that the sharks won't stop him from hitting into the waves.

Prior to the sightings of the 13 Great Whites Huntington Beach, at least six 5- to 6-foot sharks were also seen close to Seal Beach and Huntington Beach on May 11.

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