110-Year-Old Man Beer: Do You Want To Be Supercentenarian? Nebraska’s Oldest Man Shares His Secret Why He Stays Alive For More Than Century

110-Year-Old Man Beer, Mark Behrends is the oldest man living in Nebraska. When asked what his secret is, he always answers, it's a can of beer! Behrends reached the milestone classifying him as the oldest resident in Nebraska after he celebrated his 110th birthday on May 16.

According to Omaha.com, Behrends could also be the 'oldest man living in the United States' after the National Gerontology Research Group found that there's no gap in his records. The 110-Year-Old Man Beer is also amongst the Nebraskan residents, who have attained 107 years old and older.

"He always told everybody the reason he has lived so long is drinking one can of beer, every day at 3 p.m.," Mark Behrends' daughter, Lois Bassinger said. "He always joked that that was his medicine since he takes very little medicine."

Bassinger added that since their father reached 99, they threw him a birthday party thinking it would be his last celebration. However, the 110-Year-Old Man Beer even made it to 100 and more, and now Bassinger claimed that they keep on setting up bigger party for their beloved father.

When it comes to his 3 p.m. drinking habit, the 110-Year-Old Man Beer stated that he has no favorite brand, and he can drink "whatever kind was around." Her daughter revealed that his father choice inclines more to Miller brand, WCNC reports.

E. A. Kral of Wilber, Nebraska, who tracks Nebraska's oldest residents, claimed that the 110-Year-Old Man Beer is something that is unusual in Nebraskan history. Newsmax claimed that only three men in Nebraska have attained the supercentenarian status or age of 110 and beyond.

The 110-Year-Old Man Beer, Behrends was born on May 16, 1905. He grew up on his family's farm in eastern Nebraska where he stayed tending the farm from morning till night. Behrends also worked in maintenance for Masters Implement and retired the year his wife died.

Behrends can still drive when he was 106 and he was able to renew his driving license. In fact, his driving license will only expire next year on his birthday. Although not common at his age, he was living alone until his family decides to bring him to the Ambassador Health facility when he was 106.

It is such a great accomplishment for the 110-Year-Old Man Beer to attain and exceed the age of 100. When he was asked for any advice on living a happy and long life aside from drinking a can of beer, he pointed to heart and said, "right here."

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