Quesalupa Taco Bell: After Successful Ohio Trial, Melted Cheese Quesalupa Goes National!

As there's always too much at risk for fast food chains to just introduce a new menu item all over the country, trials are standard procedure in some of the biggest restaurant chains in the US and the entire world - and the most recent Quesalupa from Taco Bell has officially passed the test!

Over the past year, Taco Bell has turned into the go-to place for munchies and odd eating decisions, having launched items as varied as Sriracha Quesarito and exotic breakfast menu items such as their Cap'n Crunch Doughnuts and biscuit tacos - and now they will all be accompanied by the new Quesalupa from Taco Bell!

According to Restaurant News, the Quesalupa from Taco Bell was first tested in Toledo, Ohio, from February to March to see whether the item would be successful in the region to later expand it all over the country; 36 restaurants in the area had the new taco.

The Quesalupa from Taco Bell is basically melted pepper cheese that's put into one of the chain's famous and delicious crisp shells that also includes lettuce, tomatoes, cheddar, seasoned beef and even reduced-fat sour cream.

The Inquisitor reports that the Quesalupa from Taco Bell isn't the only major item the company has tested in Toledo, as it seems it's the go-to place for the chain to try out their new products; the strategy has worked well for the chain in the past, as they've had a string of successful new products lately.

According to USA Today, it seems like the test run for the upcoming product ended up becoming "one of the most successful in Taco Bell's history," which is saying something as the chain's among the most popular in the country, even declaring "war" on fast food giant McDonald's over the golden arches chain having avoided changes in their breakfast menu for years.

There's little information about the specific date the Quesalupa from Taco Bell will be released, but it will be this year!

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