Bruce Jenner [+REPORT] Will Appear As Woman In Public During Spring- Anytime Now!

Bruce Jenner present and future updates have been very important in the media. Bruce Jenner transitioning into a woman comes as a major highlight breaking the internet and now the most awaited time is to see Bruce Jenner stepping as a woman now.

USA Today revealed that the 65-year-old former Olympian will come out as a woman anytime now, particularly this period, this spring. In Sunday's "Keeping Up with the Kardashians: About Bruce," the two-part special had already opened up what's going to happen with Bruce and his plans.

Kim Kardashian asked Bruce Jenner, "So are you going to fully become a woman?" Bruce Jenner replied by saying, "Yeah I see myself in the future that way."

Bruce Jenner told Kim Kardashian that his transition will fully happen this year. He said he just had upper lip lift, a nose job and soon Bruce Jenner will have his jawline softened.

"[There's] a few more things," Bruce Jenner. "A few more little tweaks mostly to the face and then I'm kind of done with that," he said.

In the KUWTK, Khloe fired the burning question that everyone is dying to know. She asked Bruce Jenner if he plans on being not Bruce sometime soon. Surprisingly, Bruce Jenner admitted with whims that it could be possible. It could be in the spring-now.

In the recent "KUWTK-About Bruce," Bruce Jenner heart-to-heart talk with his family members especially with his daughters was especially highlighted.

He received tons of support from them while Kim Kardashian, who witnessed his soon transition a decade ago expressed her delight upon seeing Bruce Jenner in full dress and makeup.

MIRROR reported that Kim Kardashian, 34, stated that she was amazed how beautiful and amazing was Bruce Jenner when she saw him first time wearing full dress and makeup. She added, she was happy to see how Bruce Jenner was comfortable with it.

Although Bruce Jenner transition is expected to come out soon, his name is also expected to be altered anytime now. Kim Kardashian who already knew what will be Bruce Jenner new name didn't say anything what it's going to be while keeping it as a secret for now.

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