DEAN POTTER, World Renowned Rock Climber And BASE Jumper Found Dead In Yosemite Park, What Led To His Unfortunate Death?

Dean Potter, extreme athlete and one of the world's top died with his friend, Graham Hunt while they attempted a BASE jump in the Yosemite National Park. Dean Potter and Hunt jumped on a 7,500-foot wingsuit flight from Taft Point overlooking Yosemite Valley and El Captain on Saturday night.

The bodies of Dean Potter, 43, and Hunt, 29, were spotted on separate locations after helicopter search was launched on Sunday. The spotter of the two reported lost of contact with the duo and immediately contacted Yosemite Park officials. Dean Potter and Hunt were supposed to meet their spotter around 9 p.m. on Saturday.

"I can't emphasize enough how tragic this is," Yosemite Park, Scott Gediman said. "Dean just loved Yosemite. He loved the park and everything it stood for."

BASE jumping is prohibited in Yosemite Park.

Patricia Dellert, Dean Potter mother claimed that his passion for extreme climbing started at a very young age during his father's stint as U.S. army colonel that took them to Jordan. Dean Potter showed his exceptional skill at the age of five by climbing their Jordanian home's stone wall.

Dean Potter earned the reputation as one of Yosemite's great climbers when he was in his 20s.

Dean Potter was survived by his longtime partner, Jennifer Rapp, her three children and his dog.

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