Jaden Smith Twitter: ‘Karate Kid’ And Will Smith And Jada Pinkett Son QUITS Social Media, Breaking Hearts

Ever since both of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith's children gave their now-infamous interview over the last fall and became instant viral sensations, people all over the world have closely watched Jaden Smith's Twitter account for his insightful updates, but he's not taking it anymore.

Jaden and his sister Willow, both of whom have been surrounded by show business their whole lives and now are starting their own careers in entertainment, have become notorious (or rather infamous) over their supposedly "deep" comments, with people often saying they made little to no sense, particularly targeting Jaden Smith's Twitter account.

Jaden Smith's Twitter account has stemmed the birth of an entire category of websites featuring some of his best tweets such as a post in website Genius.com, and last year Time Magazine even created their own "poetry generator" taken from quotes of his interview with the magazine along his sister.

Now, according to Pink News, Jaden Smith's Twitter is no more, as the actor and celebrity child has deleted all his social media accounts abruptly, after often making headlines not only for his cryptic tweets but also after confessing he liked to wear dresses on occasion, even sometimes sharing his adventures on Instagram.

News of the dramatic disappearance of Jaden Smith's Twitter presence have been covered all over the Internet with as much humor as his tweets were when he was still in the social network, with Time Magazine even sarcastically saying they'd miss them in the Twittersphere.

It's unclear why exactly has he left the site along with deleting his other accounts in social media, but Yahoo! Celebrity reports that a vast number of fans have already taken to Twitter to complain about how life will be like after the 16 year-old actor has left the platform.

Besides being famous for Jaden Smith's Twitter, Will Smith's young son also went out with youngest Kardashian sister Kylie Jenner a while back.

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