Rice and Veggie Hodge-Podge.

Although it takes some time to cook -- especially for slow choppers -- this dish is healthy and filling. Enjoy!

2 Servings


1 cup rice (white or brown)

2 tablespoons of olive oil

2-3 cloves garlic (to taste)

1 crown of broccoli

1 bag of baby spinach

1 whole large tomato

1/4 of a medium red onion


1. Boil water, put in rice

2. Chop all vegetables. By this time, the rice should be done. Set the rice aside.

3. Pour olive oil in frying pan, put in garlic, tomato, and onions for about 30 seconds, 1 minute max. Mix constantly.

4. Add broccoli and spinach to the pan. The spinach will shrink as it heats, so continue to gradually add more as there is room until the bag is empty. Continue mixing.

5 Add rice on top of vegetable mixture, stir so that everything is mixed together

6. Serve with a can of tuna if desired.

*Recipe courtesy of an old family tradition

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