Taco Bell Fritos: Cinco De Mayo Follow-Up Is Fritos Tacos! [PHOTO]

Only a few days after the most important day in Mexican-American culture, now the most famous of all Tex-Mex fast food chains is bringing home a new kind of food, the Taco Bell Fritos tacos in what could become one of the biggest things to happen in the fast food chain!

Last week, Food World News reported on Taco Bell's plans for Cinco de Mayo, as they released a limited-edition super hot sauce called Diablo ("Devil" in Spanish) and served free breakfast on the morning of the holiday; now, in yet another insane new food item in their menu, the company's about to introduce the Taco Bell Fritos tacos.

In the past, the company has created some truly odd items to fill their menu, including Biscuit Tacos and Capn' Crunch Doughnuts for breakfast (their major focus in advertising in the past few months), and they've even lobbied for the creation of a taco emoji - now, it's time for the Taco Bell Fritos tacos.

Just as it sounds, the food item is basically a taco made out of Fritos, in the latest partnering between the fast food chain giant and Frito-Lay.

According to My San Antonio, the new Taco Bell Fritos tacos are currently a dream for most fans of Tex-Mex cuisine, but those in Memphis, Tennessee, get to be the first ones to try out this item; if it's successful, it might ultimately be launched in the rest of the country or perhaps even abroad.

As The Inquisitr reports, the new Taco Bell Fritos tacos are the second recent attempt at combining tacos with chips, after the controversial Doritos tacos and other odd flavors such as a menu basically dedicated to Sriracha hot sauce.

Knox News reports that this kind of food is hardly new in the Tennessee area, which could account for the fact that it's where Taco Bell chose to test the new product; apparently, in the 1982 World's Fair, an East Tennessee fast food chain called Pietro's got its start serving Fritos in their salads and chili.

Hopefully, the Taco Bell Fritos tacos will be so successful in the Southern state it'll ultimately expand to the rest of the country!

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