Pizza Hut Free Meal For First 100 “Charlotte” To Welcome Royal Baby

Pizza Hut Free Meal is one of the latest offers in time to celebrate the birth of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge second child, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. This time, anyone who shares the same name "Charlotte" as the Royal baby, can come to selected Pizza Hut locations to enjoy their free meal.

The first 100 customers with the name "Charlotte" is entitled for Pizza Hut Free Meal in the participating branch given that they provided a valid identification.

They can enjoy Pizza Hut Free Meal in various branches including Kirkstall Road in Leeds, Liverpool One, Hanover Street in Edinburgh, The Strand in London, and The Trafford Centre in Manchester, according to Telegraph.

"The royal birth is such a momentous occasion, we want to celebrate and welcome the new arrival in a way that our customers can also enjoy," Kathryn Austin, director of HR and marketing at Pizza Hut Restaurants said. "A new royal baby and a free pizza, sounds like the perfect combination!"

Since the birth of second Royal baby was on Saturday, Pizza Hut Free Meal was offered in a limited time and chances only. Offering only 100 pieces of pizzas, every branch that participated in the Pizza Hut Free Meal offer is only allocated with 20 pieces pizzas.

Manager Anthony Murray reported success with Pizza Hut Free Meal promo. He stated to Liverpool Echo that several people with name of "Charlotte" had booked a day before the promo to claim their free pizzas. He added, people are enjoying and loving the promo.

Murray claimed that people with names of "Charlotte" started to buzz their phone non-stop ever since the Pizza Hut Free Meal promo was announced.

Another funny happening about Pizza Hut Free Meal promo was many men pretended to be women with the name of "Charlotte" just to avail of the free meal.

For those who haven't availed Pizza Hut Free Meal, better luck next time! It may be good to wait for the third Royal baby!

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