ERIN STOFFEL SHOOTING: Mother Awakens After Trestle Trail Bridge Menasha Shooting Killed Husband And Daughter

Erin Stoffel, shooting survivor in Trestle Trail Bridge in Menasha, Wisconsin brought distress as she knew that the fatal incident has taken lives of her husband and oldest daughter after a distraught Appleton man opened fire on Sunday evening.

Today, Erin Stoffel was able to breathe on her own, without the need of breathing tube however, she is still in serious condition.

Erin Stoffel, shooting victim by random gunfire survived the fatal incident. After taking three shots during the gun fire, Erin was able to cover and protect her two younger daughters, 7-year-old son Ezra and 5-year-old daughter Selah, but her husband, Jonathan Stoffel, 33 and her 11-year-old Olivia did not survive.

"You can never underestimate the power of a mother to protect her children. To have three gunshot wounds and be able to get off that bridge and save two of her children is incredible to think about," Dr. Ray Georgen at Theda Clark Medical Center stated on Monday after Erin Stoffel shooting.

Erin Stoffel was with her whole family taking a walk on Sunday evening in Little Lake Butte des Morts when a troubled gun man opened fire that killed Jonathan Stoffel, Olivia and another Appleton man, named Adam Bentdahl, 31.

According to Chicago Tribune, the alleged man, who fired bullets on air was identified as 27-year-old military veteran Sergio Daniel Valencia del Toro who came out in the middle of Trestle Trail Bridge Sunday evening, after an argument with his ex-fiancée.

After Erin Stoffel shooting, Del Toro then committed suicide by killing himself by his own bullet. Although hit by the random bullet several times, Erin Stoffel remained in conscious as she instructs her young son, Ezra to run and sought for help.

Erin Stoffel, shooting survivor was rushed immediately to the nearest hospital, but her husband Jonathan and oldest daughter, Olivia were fatally shot.

With Erin Stoffel braveness, she and her son Ezra were considered as heroes. Menasha Police Chief Tim Styka stated that what they did was "absolutely amazing."

On Monday, Erin Stoffel, shooting survivor was declared on critical condition. The following day, her breathing tube was removed as doctors pronounced that she has awaken and now conscious.

Despite the fatal Erin Stoffel shooting, the young 32-year-old mother remained positive as she wrote on a dry board, "Forgive the shooter."

After the deadly Erin Stoffel shooting, Jim Campbell, Erin Stoffel's brother described his sister as a "dedicated mother."

In the phone interview, Campbell also mentioned that her sister and Jonathan were married for over 10 years. They had an ideal family, who spent their happy time together camping, fishing and walking.

Two days after the Erin Stoffel shooting incident, Dr. Ray Georgen stated that Erin is recovering well.

Although it was hard to accept that such crime could claim innocent lives, Erin Stoffel's family is hopeful and has never given up on their strong faith.

A prayer ceremony at Calvary Bible Church in Neenah was held on Monday. In order to support the family after the Erin Stoffel shooting incident, a GoFundMe page was set up that already raised about $70,000 on Tuesday morning.

A Menasha memorial walk is also scheduled on May 16 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. that was posted in Facebook in honor of the Erin Stoffel shooting survivor and victims. Flocks of people with bears, flowers and candles are expected to join the memorial walk.

For more information on efforts to pay respect to the Erin Stoffel, shooting survivor and victims, Fox Cities United group also provided it in their Facebook group page.

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