Panera Bread Announces Dropping Of Over 150 Artificial Additives In Their Menu

Panera Bread, the popular American soup and sandwich chain made a different twist on Tuesday after the company announced that they are terminating their long list of over 150 artificial additives- preservatives, colors, sweeteners and flavors by the end of 2016.

Panera Bread said that they are now serving "clean" salad dressings that have no artificial ingredients effective Tuesday.

With Panera Bread drastic move to offer healthy food, they are now named as the first national restaurant in America to declare a full list of artificial ingredients that they will be removing from their menu, according to Food Safety News.

"We are not scientists," Panera founder and CEO Ron Shaich said in a statement. "We are people who know and love food, and who believe that the journey to better food starts with simpler ingredients."

For the full list of Panera Bread artificial ingredients that is scheduled to be taken away from their products, please click HERE. Some included in Panera Bread listings are high-fructose corn syrup, lard, aspartame, azodicarbonamide and sucralose.

In December last year, Panera Bread has voluntarily submitted a report to initially terminate the use of antibiotics and lessen animal supply in their production. Panera Bread had taken a huge step to eliminate the use of antibiotics by feeding animals on vegetarian diet.

In 2004, Panera Bread also started using antibiotics-free chicken, and that time, the same standard was implemented for roasted turkeys, Fortune reports.

Panera Bread action to eradicate all of the artificial additives on their menu comes after Dunkin' Donuts initiated removal of titanium dioxide from its powdered donuts while Kraft had decided to take away the use of artificial preservatives and colors to their mac and cheese, according to CS Monitor.

Panera Bread move for "clean ingredients" was earlier published in June. The changes in Panera Bread ingredients will be implemented to its products including sandwiches, salad dressings, soups, and baked goods, excluding soda.

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