Student Spit Window Cleaner: [Shocking] Video Shows South Carolina Student Spitting And Spraying Window Cleaner On Roommates’ Foods

Student spit, window cleaner- A South Carolina student now faces charges for unlawful, malicious tampering with human drug product or food after student spit, window cleaner into her roommates' foods. Columbia Police Department reported that the student may be sentenced up to maximum of 20 years.

The student spit, window cleaner was identified as 22-year-old Hayley King, who was caught doing ridiculous things on her roommates' foods while they were out. Based on reports, King had numerous arguments with them for weeks, the KCRA reports.

A woman who reported the incident stated that King stayed with them in the off-campus apartment and refuted to leave despite their request.

"The aftermath ... caused me to fall behind in my classes," one of the roommates stated to the authorities. "I was forced to switch out of one of my courses because I was so distracted with everything going on."

Aside from the shocking incident where the South Carolina student spit, window cleaner into her roommates foods, the roommates purportedly told police that they were also receiving threats of text messages from King's friend, the Daily Mail cited.

Fearing on what King was doing while they were out, the roommates set up several videos, and it was then they caught that the 22-year-old student spitting and putting window cleaner into their foods.

Police received a copy of the video showing the student spit, window cleaner into the containers of food in the refrigerator. King was immediately arrested on Feb. 2 and was charged with the class C felony that may end her up for a maximum prison of 20 years, the Independent reports.

Before the police investigators obtained a copy of the video of the student spit, window cleaner into her roommates' foods, one roommate had allegedly ate one of the foods in the refrigerator that King had deliberately spoiled.

Authorities had found out that King sprayed Windex window cleaner several times on the foods and returned them back into the refrigerator.

Authorities also revealed that King confessed to the incident prior to their investigation. King, the student who spit, and sprayed window cleaner into the foods of her roommates admitted to a recorded interview that she did it in purpose, according to Fox News.

While student pit window cleaner is waiting for the arraignment in June, King is currently out on a bail amounting to $5,000.

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