Space Beer: New Space Beer Has Been To Space And Back – Out Of This WORLD! [PHOTO+VIDEO]

The newest inventions in science have been getting consistently more science fiction looking and sounding, and this new age of space travel and science discoveries has seen a wide variety of new products trespassing the borders of what's considered realistic - and then there's the fun and awesome concept of the space beer!

Over the past few weeks, Food World News has widely reported on some of the most interesting new technologies, from the recreation of the "Star Trek" Tricorder, the new robot chef and a smart kitchen and even a pepper grinder that hacks into devices to turn them off during dinner, but the space beer is a whole other ballpark.

According to The Telegraph, the new space beer is appropriately called Ground Control and comes from the Oregon-based Ninkasi Brewing Company, whose owners decided to do something literally out of this world: sending yeast into space and then bringing it back to make beer.

In fact, yeast can only survive within a small range of temperatures, so it was a bold move in the first place to send it out for the creation of the space beer in the first place. reports that the yeast was virtually unaffected by its travel to and fro zero gravity, but the trip didn't come without its complications; apparently, when Ninkasi was getting ready to launch its yeast into space last October, they couldn't find dry ice anywhere, creating a crisis: it was needed to keep the yeast at the right temperature during its space travels.

True to their project of space beer, the owners of the company made over 20 phone calls to locate the dry ice, ultimately managing to do so.

MyFox8 reports, however, that Ground Control isn't actually the first space beer, as Japanese brewing giants Sapporo made a similar move in 2009, launching a beer with "space barley" after the seeds had been kept in space for five months.

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