Today is National Mint Julep Day

Once again, thank you to the folks at Eatocracy for sounding the alarm about an obscure-yet-important food holiday. We wouldn't have known about Brown Bag-It Day if not for them, and now we are aware that today is National Mint Julep Day.

The Mint Julep is a favorite of those who attend the Kentucky Derby, and also, apparently, of one colonel in Kentucky named Joshua Soule Smith, who wrote to a newspaper and declaired the drink to be "the zenith of man’s pleasure...the very dream of drinks." Esquire also gave the beverage high praise, calling it "one of the oldest and most iconic American cocktails."

There are many different ways to create the perfect Julip. The basic ingredients are alcohol, sugar, mint, and ice, but the quantities of each are up to interpretation. The alcohol can be bourbon, brandy, rum, or whiskey, depending on what part of the country you're in when you drink it. Find a recipe that suits you, and try it out -- bonus points if you drink one while wearing an incredibly large, broad-brimmed hat.

Happy National Mint Julep day, everyone!

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