Taco Cannons: Hockey Becomes More Interesting As University of Nebraska Omaha Creates Taco Cannons! [PHOTO]

There's no doubt that the tortilla-based meal is one of the cornerstones of US junk food in any of its presentations, and Taco Bell has made an entire menu around its possible choices, having one way past simple tortilla - but the taco cannons, which fans will be getting to their face soon enough, are definitely a step in a different direction.

Tacos are among the most popular fast food items in the world, but the idea of a taco cannon, which of course would just land on someone's face or lap in a ridiculously violent manner and possibly splashing everyone along on the ride, doesn't sound entirely convincing at first.

According to USA Today, the completely ridiculous and hilarious idea of taco cannons came from the University of Nebraska-Omaha, as part of the construction for their hockey team's new arena - and they're planning to celebrate the whole thing no questions asked, with Mexican food right to the face.

As Sports Illustrated reports, the taco cannons are taking their cue from the more traditional stadium cannons, which are famous for sending out t-shirts to those watching the match, whatever the sport - the idea of getting food, and particularly a piece of food as technically delicate as a taco, is entirely new to the sports-watching experience.

The Inquisitr reports that the idea of a taco cannon came as randomly as its name and concept would suggest: team's owner Eric Newton was "looking at their air cannons" and he came up with the idea to launch tacos from them - and though the idea is still in its development stages, the hockey team is committed to sending some quality food through their cannons.

The people at the University of Nebraska-Omaha are currently working on making sure the tacos "hold up, stay hot and taste like they do at the restaurant," and they've stated that while they may not be the best tortillas out there, they'll be making sure the taco cannons shoot some truly edible stuff!

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