Green Tea Benefits: Apples And Green Tea Could Prevent Chronic Diseases, Study Finds

Every day, hundreds of scientists all over the world are working to see what kind of diet is best for people all over, as modern medicine can help further in major diseases but faces new challenges such as the obesity epidemic; now, the latest nutritional study shows a new variety of apples and green tea benefits.

A few weeks back, Food World News reported on the recent "Apple a Day" study, where scientists from the University of Michigan proved once and for all the old adage was no more than an old wives' tale, though it can be ultimately good for health - as the more recent apples and green tea benefits study shows.

According to Science Daily, the new apples and green tea benefits study came at the hand of researchers from the UK's Norwich BioScience Institutes (particularly, the Institute of Food Research), and their discoveries were presented in a recent Molecular Nutrition & Food Research paper entitled "Potent inhibition of VEGFR-2 activation by tight binding of green tea epigallocatechin gallate and apple procyanidins to VEGF: Relevance to angiogenesis."

The Telegraph reports that, while an apple a day doesn't keep the doctor away, combining the popular fruit with green tea's benefits can actually greatly protect the body in the face of major diseases such as heart conditions and even cancer, through both components' polyphenols, which inhibit the VEGF protein, potentially keeping the user away from strokes and heart attacks.

Big Think reports that the way the newly found green tea benefits work on cancer prevention is that these same polyphenols could also hold the key to keeping the potentially deadly disease from spreading; besides, the same VEGF protein also plays a big role in forming blood vessels in different cancer cells - something that allows the disease to grow and spread.

One more thing to add to the long list of green tea benefits!

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