Mood Food: Scientists link fast food and depression

For emotional eaters, stress and sadness can be solved with ice cream and doughnuts. What scientists in Spain have discovered, however, is that eating processed foods -- even at minimal levels -- might be causing depression.

After observing nearly 9,000 people for six months, researchers found that peple who ate fast food were more than 50% more likely to develop depression. As consumption of such foods increased, so did the risk. The subjects of the study had never been diagnosed with depression, nor had they ever taken any medication for depression. Yet, when the study concluded, according to Yahoo News,"493 [people] were diagnosed with the condition or started to take mild anti-depressants."

The Global Post reported that experts still aren't sure what causes what in this chicken-or-egg situation. "We use the term 'comfort food' for a reason," said Dr. David Katz, director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center. "It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. So it may be that people with depression are turning to [fast food] for relief. Higher intake of fast food may very well increase risks of depression by causing poor health in general, but depression may also increase fast food intake."

Just as some foods can damage your emotional well-being, other foods can help foster good moods. There is evidence that olive oil can actually protect against mental illness, and both vitamin B12 and folic acid have been shown to ward off mood disorders. For those with a sweet tooth, eating a small amount of dark chocolate releases endorphins, which increase happiness.

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