Sandra Bullock 911 Call Heard In Court, Stalker Carries File of Photos and Love Note For Actress During Time Of Arrest

Sandra Bullock 911 call was one of the evidences presented in court on Thursday, April 9 against her stalker who intruded her home. From the recorded Sandra Bullock 911 call, it can be detected that she was desperately hiding inside the closet and hopelessly waiting for the officers to arrive.

Will the officers arrive? She sounded distressed as she spoke to the dispatcher over the line.

Sandra Bullock 911 call record was the initial evidence presented in court against the man identified as Joshua Corbett, guilty for stalking the Oscar-winning actress and breaking into her Bel-Air home this past summer, the NBC Los Angeles reported.

"Someone just broke into my house," Bullock was telling the 911 operator. "I think it's a man... I'm locked in the closet right now."

Bullock remained more terrified as time passed. It could be known that the "Gravity" actress was so much nervous as the man approaches her room. "He's banging on the doors," she says while crying while she detailed that he was knocking on her door. "Are they close?" she questions of the police.

In Sandra Bullock 911 call she detailed that the man was wearing black sweatshirt and dark pants and he was walking past her bedroom going to the attic.

She also said that she has no idea how the man had entered inside the house. She even thought that the sound she heard was 'wind blowing.' Investigators then revealed that the man entered through the locked sunroom glass door.

In Sandra Bullock 911 call, she was like screaming for help and told the dispatcher that she's 'unarmed' and her son was not home. She desperately waiting for the officers to arrive and in more than 13 minutes, the officers came. She gave the pass code to her home and officers met her as she led them to the attic, the ET Online reported.

Los Angeles police officer Jose Bermudez testified Corbett wrote "I'm sorry. I love you Sandy" in his notebook where the accused had written a two-page note to the actress. The notebook together with a magazine packed with the actress' photos was collected during his arrest.

"You are so hot and intelligent and lithesome and taut," the judge reads notes from Corbett's notebook, the phrase was then followed with sexual invectives.

Sandra Bullock 911 call record was the first evidence presented to determine if there is enough proof for Corbett to be guilty of the felony and go on with the trial. The 50-year-old actress was not present during the preliminary hearing on Thursday.

Police officers were able to gather pieces of evidences in Corbett's home including storage of unlawful ammunitions such as tracer ammunition, assault weapons and machine guns, the USA Today cited. At the time of his illegal entry to Bullock's home, the accused was unarmed.

Corbett, 39, is accused for various cases including possessing an arsenal of weapons, burglary and stalking. He is set for arraignment on April 23 to face 26 felony charges. He is held on bail amounting to over $2 million for all the charges, the Kentucky reported.

As Sandra Bullock 911 call record was presented in court, the suspect remained firm in his testimonies to plead 'not guilty' for the offense.

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