Apple A Day Study 2015 Answers Longtime Question: Does An Apple A Day Keep The Doctor Away?

Although it's been said over generations to children and grown-ups alike, up until the apple a day study of 2015, little was known on whether eating this delicious fruit daily truly keeps people steadily healthy, though doubts begin to clear out now.

It seems like the answer given in the apple a day study of 2015 is a bit more complex than this, as there's a definite improvement in health when eating more fruit (even apples), but it seems like a daily dose of apples won't really keep the doctor away - though maybe the pharmacist.

The apple a day study of 2015 was published last Monday on the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, under the title "Association Between Apple Consumption and Physician Visits Appealing the Conventional Wisdom That an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away," after investigation by researchers from the University of Michigan.

According to Time Magazine, the apple a day study of 2015 found that those who ate this fruit every day weren't any less likely to visit a health professional (even mental health one) or even stay overnight at the hospital, but they were considerably likely to use fewer prescription medications, which is to say, it's the pharmacist who's kept away by eating apples.

The apple a day study of 2015 researched 8,399 people, 753 of which consumed this fruit daily. The researchers also found that those who ate apples on a daily basis were usually also educated, more likely to be part of a racial or ethnic minority and less likely to smoke.

As Yahoo! News reports, the study was built around an old proverb that's said to have originated in Wales on the 19th century, due to the fact that this fruit is rich in vitamin C and fiber, plus smaller amounts of iron, calcium and vitamin A.

In any case, the apple a day study of 2015 doesn't prove that eating this fruit daily will keep the doctor away, but it's still a good idea to keep it in the diet!

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