Tara Reid Anorexia: Looking EXTREMELY Thin, Is ‘Sharknado’ Star Battling Eating Disorder? [PHOTOS]

It seems like every time the "American Pie" star makes headlines it's because of something worrying about her, and the latest comes as new photos of her on the beach have been released to the public, leading many to believe that now there's a major Tara Reid anorexia problem.

In the early days of 2015, Food World News reported that the actress had been spotted in bikini attire, and an Instagram photo showed signs of what many believed to have been another botched surgery, as Reid has been candid in the past about the work she's gotten done; but now it's the possibility of Tara Reid's anorexia making news.

According to The Daily Mail, the latest Tara Reid anorexia rumors started when the actress appeared in Miami Beach for a photo shoot for a friend's wedding shower last Friday, looking alarmingly thin, as her ribcage was way visible and the gap between her thighs seemed larger than should be.

It's not the first time that the possibility of Tara Reid's anorexia makes news, as fans and news outlets around the world have often showed concern over the actress' very thin figure, which is even more noticeable as a good portion of her pictures are from beach trips and the like, where her figure can be seen fully.

Even though there have been Tara Reid anorexia rumors for years, the actress has admitted to having had liposuction in the past, even though she's always been on the thin side. According to Metro, a while back she went through the procedure to get a six pack on top of her small frame.

Many fan have expressed concern in Twitter lately, as the pictures came out and she posted some more with her friends on her Instagram account. She has said that she does eat and doesn't have an eating disorder, but that she's naturally skinny.

Hopefully, there's no such Tara Reid anorexia, even though she does seem dangerously thin in the pictures above.

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