Medical Marijuana: Ohio Girl Having Seizure More Than 1000 Times A Day Seeking Medical Marijuana Treatment In Colorado

Medical Marijuana could be the remaining hope for the parents of a 3-year-old girl who's experiencing more than 1,000 seizures a day.

After trying multiple anti-seizure drugs, there seem no changes for Addyson Benton. She remained behind over the normal developmental stage of communication and motor skills of her age. This time, there is no stopping for her parents to try medical marijuana for her treatment no matter what the costs.

Addyson Benton and her parents, Heather and Adam Benton, previously lived in Liberty Township, Ohio. However, Addyson's condition has prompted her parents to decide to move to Colorado to seek for Medical marijuana treatment.

Addyson Benton was diagnosed with myoclonic epilepsy when she was nine months old. And since then, the debilitating condition has caused the young girl to suffer a lot by having seizure more than 1000 times a day. This has also led to Addyson's delayed speaking and motor skills movement, Daily Mail cited.

"We actually have two doctors out in Colorado that Addyson sees once a year and both of the doctors think that she will benefit really well from a form of non-psychoactive form of the plant called THCa. That's what we are going for," Heather Benton stated.

Before the Ohio family has decided to move to Colorado, medical marijuana in the form of cannabidoil oil (CBD) was shipped to their home.

However, a few delays on its delivery have certainly disappointed Heather and Adam Benton, who believe that the medical marijuana oil could help treat their daughter, Fox News cited.

According to, the medical marijuana called Charlotte's Web CBD was known to stop the epileptic seizures of Charlotte Fiji, now 8.

As parents, they just hope their daughter will be well so even trying this new option could cost them to transfer home from Ohio to Colorado to have their daughter's steady supply. Colorado is also a state that allows the use of medical marijuana.

In a few trials of the medical marijuana oil in two weeks, Heather has noticed several positive changes in Addyson's skills. She noticed amazing improvement in her speech, walking and even her attention has progressed, but the only thing that did not change was her seizures.

As of this writing, the Ohio family has already moved to Colorado in Castle Rock as revealed in the Addyson's warriors Facebook page.

Although the family has decided to transfer for Addyson's medication her parents are not yet closing their doors to return to Ohio when medical marijuana will be legalized. In Colorado, Addyson's medical marijuana expenses sum up to $300 per month.

The bill will be passed in November. But Addyson's parents wish that their daughter will have the best treatment to cure her condition at this moment, even it will be medical marijuana.

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