Robin Williams Family Feud Reaches Court: Is Robin Williams Widow Susan Schneider Ripping Off ‘Mrs. Doutbfire’ Actor’s Children?

Following the shocking news that the beloved Oscar-winning actor and comedian had taken his own life over the past summer, there has been an ongoing battle between the different fractions of Robin Williams' family, as it turns out his widow, Susan Schneider, has kept some of his things from being recovered by his children.

Last month, Food World News reported that, in the actor's will, he left his estate to his three children (31 year-old Zachary, 25 year-old Zelda and 23 year-old Cody), though he also wrote that his wife, Susan Schneider, should also get some form of benefit after his passing, and this is where the Robin Williams family feud lies.

Us Weekly reports that attorneys for Schneider state that she should keep all items inside the home she shared with the actor in Tiburon, California; she also stated that Robin Williams' family, particularly his kids, took some of the things inside the home without her permission.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Robin Williams' family took items such as "clothing, jewelry, personal photos ... memorabilia and awards in the entertainment industry" that could be described as marital belongings, though some of these had been assigned to his children in a trust fund set by the actor beforehand.

These items have been entrusted to Robin Williams' family in his will, though Schneider's lawyers are asking that those that are inside their "marital abode" be removed from the list, as she feels the actor's three children should only get the items in Williams' Napa home.

The International Business Times reports that Schneider's own trust fund included the home that she and the actor shared during their marriage, which is why her attorneys state that the items inside the home should also remain with the graphic designer instead of his children.

The Robin Williams family feud is set to be resolved in court starting this Monday, in San Francisco, California.

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