Taylor Swift Porn: Megastar ‘Shakes It Off’ Before Anyone Else Can, Buys OWN Taylor Swift Porn Site!

As she's becoming more and more famous and her face is one of the easiest to recognize in the world, the rule 34 of the Internet already starts applying to the "You Belong With Me" singer, and she's making sure nobody uses up her name for ill purposes, as she buys a Taylor Swift porn domain.

Rule 34 of the Internet states that, if something exists, there's porn or sexually explicit material about it, and that certainly applies to popular and beautiful female pop stars; so the singer wanted to be one step ahead of the world and bought a major Taylor Swift porn domain.

According to Time Magazine, the Taylor Swift porn domain situation doesn't just apply to the "Shake it Off" singer, as next June a few new domain suffixes will be available for purchase, like .por, .adult and .sucks, which could easily lead to major artists getting slandered through fairly extreme sites.

Next June 1, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will be releasing the new set of suffixes, which will help domains become more helpful, descriptive and easier to filter.

But this won't mean that someone else is getting Taylor Swift's porn sites, as the singer's publicity team is making sure the blonde country singer turned pop star won't have anything to do with this.

As Fox News notes, the move to buy the Taylor Swift porn domains doesn't come from a desire to prevent pictures from being posted, as there are no such photos online nor anywhere else; rather, this would prevent her name, which has heavy Internet traffic, from being used to slander her image, with others making money from it.

This is only the latest move from the singer around the business she's created from her music and image; a few weeks back, her lawyers had Etsy remove all copyrighted Swift-related content from the site, and she's also trademarked a few of her songs' phrases such as "party like it's 1989."

In any case, it's a sure thing that users around the globe won't be seeing Taylor Swift porn sites with the newly released domains.

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