Listeria Outbreak Blames Blue Bell Ice Cream For 3 Deaths & 5 Illnesses

Listeria Outbreak blames consumption of Blue Bell Ice Cream of five adults in Kansas hospital. The state and federal health officials did research and investigation about the case of Listeriosis after the five people who were in the hospital became severely sick after a single serving consumption of the ice cream.

According to CNN, prior to the alleged Listeria Outbreak this year, three people had been reported dead last year after their consumption of Blue Bell creameries products. The facts had been confirmed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

"All five case patients are adults. Three deaths have been reported." Illness onset dates range from January 2014 to January 2015, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment stated in a press conference on Saturday.

According to Associated Press released by WSJ, the five people affected by Listeria Outbreak have remained their names withheld. The patients were confined in Via Christi St. Francis hospital in Wichita, Kansas.

It has been suspected that the five patients had consumed ice cream from one production line at the Blue Bell creamery in Brenham, Texas. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported that Listeria Outbreak has affected three adult women in the period between December 2013 and January 2015.

From the records gathered by CDC, it has been found out that four out of the five people affected by Listeria Outbreak had eaten Blue Bell ice cream product called Scoops. It has been known that Sccops were infected with listeria bacteria as revealed by the Food and Drugs Administration.

According to KDVR, Blue Bell single serving chocolate chip country cookie sandwich and Great Divide ice cream products distributed in South Carolina were found to be contaminated with listeria on Feb.12. It has been reported that these products were manufactured in Texas plant.

With records of Listeria Outbreak, the Texas Department of State Health Services has done inspections for Blue Bell factory monthly. Its operation is continuous in Brenham and there were no enforcement actions taken against the company, Global News cited.

With Listeria Outbreak, consumers must be aware not to consume any products that are known to have caused listeriosis. If ever consumers see these products on their freezers, they should immediately throw them to avoid further probable problem or complication on their health.

Blue Bell Creameries claimed that they have removed some of their products from shelves and have stopped manufacturing these items to avoid Listeria Outbreak contamination. The company also stated that they have closed their Texas plant.

Chocolate Chip Country Cookie SKU#196

Great Divide Bar SKU #108

Sour Pop Green Apple Bar #221

Cotton Candy Bar #216

Scoops #117

Vanilla Stick Slices SKU #964

Almond Bars SKU #156

6 pack Cotton Candy Bars SKU#245

6 pack Sour Pop Green Apple Bars SKU#249

12 pack No Sugar Added Mooo Bars SKU#343

Listeria Outbreak can affect more or less 1,600 Americans yearly. It causes death of 260 people and can affect those with low-immune system such as pregnant women, elderly, infants, and adults with compromised immune systems.

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