Slender Man Stabbing Case: Wisconsin Morgan Geyser And Anissa Weier To Stand Trial As Adults

The world has watched avidly at Wisconsin courts over the past few months, seeing step by step what happens to Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, the two teenage girls involved in the Slender Man stabbing case, after they nearly murdered one of their friends because Internet meme supposedly told them to.

As Food World News reported at the end of the past month, until the recent update regarding the Slender Man stabbing case, the latest news regarding the trial was that the Wisconsin police had released a series of interrogation tapes of the two young girls, as they explained how they'd planned to stab their friend to death for months to "appease" the monster.

Now, according to Yahoo! News, the Slender Man stabbing case moves forward, as Waukesha County Circuit Judge Michael Bohren stated that, although one of the girls had been previously deemed unfit for trial due to mental illness, they were ultimately both fit for being tried as adults for first-degree attempted homicide.

The Mirror reports that, upon hearing the ruling, the girls' lawyers asked the judge of the Slender Man stabbing case to allow more hearings, pleading on whether the case should go to juvenile court instead - due to legislation on the matter, if they were to stand trial in this system, they could be charged with second-degree attempted murder and could only be imprisoned until they were both 25.

However, policemen working on the Slender Man stabbing case have stated in the past that Geyser and Weier showed no sign of remorse, but rather very well thought-of calculation around the crime - which would ultimately lead them to live in Slender Man's mansion with servants, according to them.

Gawker reports that, at the time of the crime, both girls and their victim Payton Leuter were 12 years of age.

Further hearings to move the Slender Man stabbing case to the juvenile system will be held between May and June but, if they failed and they were charged and convicted in the adult system, they could face up to 60 years in prison.

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