Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has announced the launch of the first-ever Food Revolution Day on May 19, giving everyone around the world a platform to stand up for real food. Food Revolution Day aims to empower people to make healthier food choices that lead to healthier lives.
Thousands of people worldwide will participate in this event to raise awareness on preventing diet-related diseases, promote better food education and arm people with the knowledge and tools to make healthier food choices.
At least 2.8 million adults around the world die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. Kids are growing up overweight and malnourished from a diet of processed foods.
All funds raised for Food Revolution Day go to support food education projects for children and adults through Jamie’s foundation work in the U.S., UK and Australia.
Anyone can host or attend an event for Food Revolution Day - schools, businesses, restaurants, chefs, bloggers, parents, grandparents and youth - as a way to learn more about cooking or share your skills and knowledge about food with your community.
For more information, visit Food Revolution Day website