Madonna Kanye West: ‘Material Girl’ Calls Kim Kardashian Husband ‘Black Madonna’

Having stayed on top of the music business with the irrefutable title of the Queen of Pop, when Madonna speaks out about who's heading places, the world listens: and now, Madonna's Kanye West opinion comes to light, as she calls the "Yeezus" rapper the black version of herself.

The 56 year-old singer, who's currently promoting her latest album, "Rebel Heart," stated in the latest interview that Madonna and Kanye West are actually kindred spirits, as the rapper is as keen as she always has been in pushing the envelope, something for which Madonna has been known for decades - and now Kanye as well.

The latest Madonna Kanye West comments came to light after the singer and Golden Globe-winning actress gave an interview to The New York Daily News, as she discussed her new album, how she has gotten where she is now - and even who's taking up her place in the music scene.

Of course, for years, Madonna has been the one responsible to shock, which is the reason many have compared Lady Gaga to her rather than the rapper - however, Madonna's Kanye West comments come from knowledge, as they've both even collaborated recently, reportedly bonding over what they're bringing to the music world.

"Kanye is the black Madonna," went Madonna's Kanye West comments, according to UK's The Independent. "We know, and recognize, that we have that in common. We're comrades in the envelope-pushing genre."

It's not the first time the singer has spoken in favor of West, as she's stated in the past that the rapper is a "brilliant madman" and even "a beautiful mess," referring to his outspoken persona and his tradition of interrupting people during award shows, namely Taylor Swift and Beck.

The Huffington Post reports that she recently said West took award shows much too seriously, stating that, while she didn't always agree with him, she definitely supported what he was doing.

It's amazing to see Madonna and Kanye West connecting so much!

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