Honduras Two Lost Cities: Archeologists Find Lost City Of The Monkey God, First Time In 600 Years [+PHOTOS]

In exciting news for archeologists and history buffs across the world, news has come out that in the Central American country of Honduras, two lost cities have been discovered in the middle of the jungle, as they appear to come from legend as two previously recorded and ancient cities.

In work that has been going on since 2012, when an aerial survey of the area found that there might be ruins lost in the jungle, now archeologists from all over the world, along with special forces of the country, have found Honduras' two lost cities, in the valley of La Mosquitia.

According to The Guardian, the team that found the Honduras two lost cities was composed specialists in archeology and other related fields, all of whom were escorted by three bushwhacking guides from the UK and a detail of special forces from Honduras.

Other involved were filmmakers Steve Elkins and Bill Benenson (who recorded the discovery of the Honduras two lost cities), the Honduras State and National Geographic, as they all explored the remote valley on foot to try and find signs of ancient cultures in the area.

UPI reports that, while there still needs to be further investigation, it seems like one of the Honduras two lost cities might be the "City of the Monkey God," a legendary ancient metropolis that was referred to as the "White City," supposedly filled with white precipices and one of the many possible locations of the mythical city of El Dorado.

Though the region is near the Mayan area of influence, it has been reported that this civilization wasn't a Mayan one; reportedly, the cities date between 1000AD and 1400AD, and it seems likely that the demise of this civilization came in the form of European diseases.

There's also evidence of a pyramid, different artifacts from the civilization and even a few plazas.

In the 20s, as 2paragraph reports, legendary pilot Charles Lindbergh said to have seen the "White City" from a distance, as he was flying over the Honduran jungle. For now, scientists and the government have refused to disclose the location of the Honduras two lost cities, to avoid looters.

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