Mediterranean Diet Foods Prevent Heart Disease By Half, Study Shows

Much has been said about Mediterranean diet foods, as different studies have shown that there's a wide aspect of health benefits connected to the diet based on how the people in the area between Greece, southern Italy and Spain have eaten for centuries; now, the latest benefit seems to be a vast lowering of the risk of heart disease.

Some of the Mediterranean diet foods include lots of olive oil, unrefined cereals, fruits, fish, legumes and vegetables, as well as a moderate consumption of dairy (like cheese and yogurts), wine and ultimately few products of meat and products related to it ... and it's a diet that could potentially save you from suffering from heart disease later on in life.

According to Science Daily, the newest research about the Mediterranean diet food's benefits and comes from the Harokopio University in Athens, and was recently presented at the American College of Cardiology 64th Annual Scientific Session in San Diego after being originally conducted in Greece, one of the landmarks of the famous diet.

As CBS News reports, the new Mediterranean food diet study included more than 2,500 adults from 18 to 89 years of age from the southern European country, all of whom were tracked for 10 years, with about 20 percent of men and 10 percent of women involved in the study developing heart disease or dying from it in the duration of the study.

According to UK's The Telegraph, the results in the latest Mediterranean diet food study were astonishing, as it was found than those who best followed the diet were at a much lower risk of developing heart disease at some point of their lives, by 47 percent in the 10-year period studied.

In the past, studies performed in other countries have linked the south European diet to lowering the risk of heart disease and other conditions associated to it, including strokes.

Other Mediterranean diet foods include nuts and whole grains - items that are easy to find across the world, which makes it easy for others to follow the diet and improve their heart's health.

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