, the leading online magazine and community devoted to delicious, sustainable eats and healthy living, is launching a 13-day Earth Day celebration of farmers, chefs, farmers markets, and the Americans that eat their food. Scheduled to run from Monday, April 16 until Saturday, April 28, the online event will feature interviews with four farmers and four chefs who cook their farm-to-table eats, along with interactive activities for the site's devoted community. The celebration will end with an exclusive live and interactive cooking lesson hosted by Organic Authority publisher, editor-in-chief and chef, Laura Klein.
“We are excited to devote our Earth Day celebration to the farmers and businesses who work hard to create a healthier and sustainable world for all of us,” says Klein. “Sustainable farming is a practice that continues to grow exponentially, a wonderful step in the right direction towards a universally GMO-free and healthy planet. It just makes sense to celebrate the organic food community on Earth Day.”
Organic Authority will also be celebrating its readers and fans—the loyal foodies who support, cook and eat sustainable food. There will be multiple giveaways featuring a grand prize of KitchenAid’s 7-qt. Stand Mixer. Valued at $649.99, it's the largest, most powerful – and quietest – KitchenAid mixer ever offered. Other prizes include $200 worth of gifts from Earth Balance, the leading manufacturer of nondairy buttery spreads, shortenings, nut butters and mayos, including an eco-friendly bamboo cutting board, organic cotton clothing, and a one-year supply of Earth Balance products. Whole Foods Market will fill one winner’s Love Local Gift Bag full of a selection of local in-season produce, treats, honey, sauces, beverages, baked goodies and body care items valued at $100 (please note restrictions apply, and actual items in the gift basket will vary based on the winner's geographical location).
Additionally, unique reader roundups of reader’s entries will be pushed through all of the site’s social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and StumbleUpon, to an actively engaged audience of nearly 50,000 followers.
Participants can enter simply by posting a photo on Facebook and tagging Organic Authority, or on Twitter by including the hashtag #OAEarthDay. Suggested photo ideas include shopping at a farmers market, posing with a favorite farmer, chef or eating locally sourced food. This could be at a restaurant, at home, at an entrant’s local farmers market, or wherever they enjoy consuming their favorite seasonal eats. Additionally, contestants may enter without a photo by submitting a link to their favorite local farmer’s website.
The 13-day event will wrap up with a fully interactive live-streaming cooking demo hosted by Laura Klein at 12 p.m. PST on Saturday, April 28 on Organic Authority’s Ustream page. The demo will also feature an interview with local Whole Foods Market forager, Kimberly Albright. Viewers will cook a seasonal dish along with Klein and be able to chat with her and Kimberly throughout the entire lesson, turning this unique virtual experience into a delicious edible one.
“We love doing the online cooking lessons because they show our readers how easy and affordable it is to shop for and cook local, sustainable food,” says Klein. “The biggest stereotype about organic food is that it is too expensive, so we came up with simple, delicious recipes anyone can make to dispel that myth. We look forward to cooking with our great fans!”