Glow In The Dark Ice Cream, Because Sometimes You Need To Eat Ice Cream In The Dark [PHOTO]

For those who can't keep away from ice cream even when the lights are out (or are just too lazy to switch it on beforehand), the glow in the dark ice cream could be positively heaven-sent!

If you've been wondering how to avoid getting your dessert all over your shirt when it's dark where you are (because these are the things that anyone should always be prepared for), the new Australian invention of a special glow in the dark ice cream could be the answer to all your cold dessert-related prayers.

According to The Independent, the new glow in the dark ice cream was developed by an Australian ice cream parlor called 196 Below, as they're selling a new variation of their liquid nitrogen ice cream that can glow even when surrounded by the darkest, pitch black environment.

New Zealand website Stuff reports that the line of glow in the dark ice cream is officially called Neon Nitro, and it makes its liquid nitrogen component luminescent while using UV-reactive food dye. It also comes in three flavors: pine-lie, mango passion fruit and raspberry.

Shockingly enough, though it seems you're eating something right out of a nuclear disaster zone in the 80s Soviet Union, the glow in the dark Neon Nitro line is so safe for consumers that it completely lacks preservatives, has no dairy and, shockingly enough, is even vegan.

According to The Huffington Post, the Neon Nitro ice cream line was actually inspired by a rave, as one of the owners of 196 Below, Steve Felice, felt inspired by his teenage days as a raver in the 90s and early 2000s.

Website PSFK reports that the only 196 Below shop in the world is located in Vitoria, Australia, so only the city's residents will get to try out the new glow in the dark ice cream - but hopefully they'll franchise beyond that soon enough!

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