Jon Cryer Net Worth: ‘Two And A Half Men’ Ends, Is Alan Harper Finally A Rich Man?

Jon Cryer has been in show business for a very long time, and before he co-starred as Alan Harper in "Two and a Half Men," the actor's most famous role had been that of Duckie in the John Hughes classic film "Pretty in Pink," which saw Jon Cryer's net worth begin to grow.

Known for portraying shades of the same character throughout his entire career (namely, the loser), Jon Cryer's net worth has grown considerably over the past few years, mostly due to the fact that he's one of the stars of the most popular sitcom of the past few decades.

"Two and a Half Men" has been the subject of a lot of controversy over the past few years, after its first star Charlie Sheen famously insulted the show's creator, along with Cryer himself, ultimately getting fired and being replace by Ashton Kutcher - all while Jon Cryer's net worth continued to grow.

The Daily Mail reports that, before the "Two and a Half Men" finale aired last night, Ashton Kutcher posted a heartfelt letter on his Facebook account directed to Cryer, saying he was a true gentleman and had never heard anyone complain about the actor - not since Charlie Sheen, anyway.

'In four years I never heard you complain and never heard you speak ill of another person even if they took advantage of your kindness and generosity," Kutcher wrote on his Facebook page. "You are a gentleman. You are a talent. You are someone I look up to. See you tomorrow night. #twoandahalfmen."

While this might not help boost Jon Cryer's net worth, it must have certainly boosted his confidence, as his second co-star honored him in a way his first one would've never done - seeing as how generally troubled Charlie Sheen is.

Currently, Jon Cryer's net worth stands at $45 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, and his salary at the time of the show's ending was an astonishing $650 per episode!

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