Little Caesars Bacon Pizza: Bacon Pizza Crust, Not For Faints Of Heart - Literally! [PHOTOS]

As the different fast food chains in the United States make attempts to stay relevant, the latest insane menu item to come out of the industry is the Little Caesars bacon pizza, which is exactly what it sounds like: a caloric bomb that's even more fattening than pizza, as its crust is made out of bacon.

Because, of course, if there's one thing the American market needed, in the midst of the growing obesity epidemic, was a Little Caesars bacon pizza pie to cover the needs of every person out there who didn't think a regular pizza was a big enough caloric bomb.

According to IGN, the official name of Little Caesars' bacon pizza is "Bacon Wrapped Crust Deep! Depp! Dish Pizza," and it features a deep-dish pizza with 3 ½ feet of bacon wrapped around it, as well as pepperoni and bacon bits sprinkled on top, and it's set to replace their "Soft Pretzel Crust Pizza."

Mashable reports that just one slice of the Little Caesars bacon pizza has about 250 calories, 830 mg of sodium, 23 mg of fat and an insane 40 mg of cholesterol - a true bomb to the stomach due to its nutritional values, no doubt.

A few months back, Food World News reported that Pizza Hut revamped its menu to feature options that were deemed healthier to the general public, including a lower-calorie version of their pizzas, in a line called Skinny Slice that amounted to a grand total of about 210 calories - certainly making the Little Caesars bacon pizza look like a one-way ticket towards a heart attack.

In a recent press release about the new menu item, Little Caesars' CEO David Scrivano called the pizza pie "a more indulgent offering" to patrons across the country, saying the health concerns are uncalled for.

"You can always get a plain, cheese pizza or a veggie pizza," Scrivano said, according to USA Today, when speaking about the calories in the Little Caesars Bacon Pizza.

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