Robert Downey Jr. Net Worth: Forbes Highest Paying Actor, Robert Downey Jr. Is Rich As Tony Stark!

During the contract negotiations with Disney Pictures over the next "Avengers" films and different titles to come from the major Marvel superhero franchise, Robert Downey Jr.'s net worth became the subject of news, after the report came out that the actor, who plays Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, refused to continue in the franchise unless his co-stars were paid as much as he was.

It was a showcase of good guy Robert all the way! It is known that Robert Downey Jr.'s net worth is exceedingly high, and the Oscar-nominated actor has already taken up the top spot in Forbes' list of highest-earning actors, not once, but two years in a row, according to Variety; 2014 marked his second time in the top spot, as he was estimated to have won about $73 million in 2014 alone - much more than most people make in their lifetimes!

Of course, while now Robert Downey Jr.'s net worth is a proof of his ongoing success, things weren't always so easy for the actor. Though always successful in his career, as he was talented enough to get coveted roles and work with top directors (like Richard Attenborough in "Chaplin," Oliver Stone in "Natural Born Killers" and even Richard Linklater in "A Scanner Darkly"), Downey's early career was often tainted by his issues with drugs and ultimately the law.

From the late 90s to the early 00s, Robert Downey Jr.'s net worth hadn't reached the insane numbers it has since he became a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (as his first Iron Man was one of the movies that launched the franchise, along with "The Incredible Hulk"), but he was certainly rich enough to engage in drug abuse, having been charged with possession of heroin and cocaine over the years, even ultimately losing his job in the popular 90s show "Ally McBeal," for which he'd won a Golden Globe.

Currently, Robert Downey Jr.'s net worth stands at $170 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth - a few hundred thousand millions away from his billionaire alter ego Tony Stark!

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