Valentine's Day History: How Did It All Begin? Discover 5 Surprising Facts How It Became One Special Day!

There are different versions of Valentine's Day History that seemed vague and rooted to imaginary backgrounds.  It's far from what we celebrate today- chocolates, flowers, hugs and kisses for someone you love. But how did the real Valentine's Day history begin?

There are three Christian saints attributed to the name of the occasion.  One was a bishop in Terni, the other one priest in Rome and the other was one that died in Africa. Although various accounts were heard for Valentine's Day history, all these saints became martyrs on Feb. 14, according to Info Please.

 There's one Valentine's Day history that scholars believed to have really brought beginnings to this special day.  Claudius II, an emperor prohibits marriage to young people for belief that bachelors fight better than married soldiers because married men are afraid to die because of their families.

However, a Roman priest named Valentine opposed the emperor's edict and secretly held marriages. For this reason he was caught, tortured and put to death.

Another Valentine's Day history tells that Claudius imprisoned Valentine and before he was executed, he wrote to the daughter of his jailer whom he loves, "from your Valentine."

While the two legends on Valentine's Day history talks about 'eros' or passionate love, there was also one Valentine who was believed to become martyr for 'agape' or Christian love.' The third Valentine was put to death for his refusal to give up his religion.

Aside from learning how Valentine's Day history evolved, here are bits of things we think you should know about this expensive holiday of the year.

Fact#1: According to the International Business Times, US Valentine's day is a whopping $14.7 billion industry. In an average, a man spends $130 for gifts and date while women were noted not to spend even half of that.

Fact#2: Valentine's Day is also labeled as SAD or Singles Awareness Day, where a person remembers his singleness by partying or by being miserable on Valentine's Day.

Fact#3: Did you know that is also termed as "quirkyalone day," where 15 percent of American women just give themselves flowers instead of not receiving anything at all?

Fact#4: Valentine's Day history also revealed that heart's day became officially associated with love in the 14th century.  In 1931, Chaucer composed a poem to honor the engagement of King Richard II of England and Anne of Bohemia. Chaucer associated their engagement to St. Valentine's Day.

Fact#5: However, it was King Henry VII of England who designated Feb. 14 to be the official day of Valentine's Day in 1537.

Now you may have some idea how Valentine's Day history evolved, how would you like to celebrate the special day with your loved one? 

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