Almonds: Know What Your Favorite Nut Does For You!

Almonds have been one of the favorite foods of many people. It can be added to your favorite cereals, ingredient to chocolates, and can be served and used in many different ways. Almonds are very versatile and can be eaten raw, toasted or added ingredient to sumptuous dishes.

Aside from its versatility, Almonds are rich source of many nutrients that provide ample benefits to one's health.

Fact 1: Almonds have high quantity of unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fats and bioactive molecules including antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, phytosterols, and other minerals that aid in preventing heart diseases, according to MNT.

It was found out that those who consume almonds five times a week are 50 percent less likely to have heart attack.

Fact 2: Almonds are high in protein and are good sources of magnesium, copper, potassium and vitamin E. With its flavonoids working with vitamin E, it lessens the risk of heart problems. Magnesium is known to be calcium channel blocker that enhances blood flow, nutrients and oxygen.

Potassium is very important in nerve transmission and contraction of muscles involving heart, maintaining blood pressure and heart function, WHFoods reports.

Fact 3: Almonds are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein.

Fact 4: Eating almonds regularly resulted to decrease the rise in blood sugar and insulin after eating and increases antioxidant levels. Further, eating almonds with high glycemic index food lowers the glycemic index of the meal thus keep blood sugar at normal levels.

Fact 5: Almonds healthy fats can help you lose weight. It was found out that people who eat nuts at least twice a week are 31 percent less likely to get fat than those who don't eat at all.

The study was published in the journal of obesity that concluded that frequent consumption of nut is associated with lessen risk of weight gain.

Not almond eater? Here's round of tricky ideas how you can add almonds to your diet!

Add almonds to your morning cereals, steamed vegetables or salads.

Sprinkle almonds pieces to your peanut butter sandwich.

Munch on roasted almonds for your snack.

Sprinkle bits of almonds to your ice cream or smoothies.

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