Red Wine Overweight: Red Wine Helps Burning Fat, Study Finds

Over the course of decades, much has been said about the different health benefits of red wine, though it is the first time that scientists have found a connection between red wine and overweight, as now they've found that drinking the dark-colored wine could actually help people who suffer from obesity burn fat better.

Currently, many countries in the world are fully engaged in the fight against the obesity epidemic, as every year the numbers of this disease grow, and with them the number of related illnesses like type 2 diabetes, it's always a comfort to know that there are ways to fight it, as the new red wine overweight discovery.

According so Science Daily, the new study about red wine and overweight comes from the American Oregon State University and is entitled "Ellagic acid modulates lipid accumulation in primary human adipocytes and human hepatoma Huh7 cells via discrete mechanisms."

It basically shows that, in moderation, wine and even grape juice could improve the health of overweight to obese people.

The Independent reports that the red wine overweight study suggests that the compound responsible for the improvement is found in Muscadine grapes, which was found to be able to help manage obesity as well as other metabolic disorders, among them fatty liver disease.

According to Medical Daily, the research team made their discovery after spending 10 weeks feeding mice a high-fat diet, and then half of them were given red wine extracts; it turned out that the mice that consumed red wine ended up storing less fat in their livers, plus lower blood sugar.

"We did not expect, and we did not find, these compounds to improve body weight," said Neil Shay, one of the scientists involved in the red wine overweight discovery, according to Hindustan Times. "If we could develop a dietary strategy for reducing the harmful accumulation of fat in the liver, using common foods like grapes would be good news."

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