Lance Armstrong Today: Tour De France Athlete Apologizes For Doping, But ‘Would Do It Again’

After the controversial admission to Oprah Winfrey to having used drugs during an incredible cyclist career that saw him winning the Tour de France seven times in a row, Lance Armstrong today apologizes for having deceived the world with his doping charges, but argues that, given the chance, he'd probably do it again.

Ever since the January 2013 interview with Oprah Winfrey that saw the famous cyclist finally admitting to having taken performance drugs during his Tour de France stints; Lance Armstrong today, as he's interviewed further following his admission, sees him sorry but unwilling to compromise in the fact that maybe he should have acted differently.

According to BBC, the picture of Lance Armstrong today is one that isn't about to make fans of the sport very happy: in a recent interview with the British Broadcasting Company, the athlete and man behind Livestrong has said that soon it will be time for the world to forgive him for takings drugs and lying about it, even though he has shown no signs of true remorse.

As The Guardian reports, the closest thing Lance Armstrong today gets to an apology was speaking during a BBC documentary, as he talked about how his doping charges, along with those of many of his peers, were more of a generational phenomenon, as many in those days were doing the same thing.

"If I go back to 1995 - and some started earlier, some a little later, but let's take that as ground zero - I think we're all sorry," Armstrong said. "And do you know what we're sorry for? We're sorry that we were put in that place. None of us wanted to be in that place. We all would have loved to have competed man on man, bread, water, naturally clean, whatever you want to call it."

He then went on to say that the Lance Armstrong of today, 2015, wouldn't do it again, but in 1995, when doping was so "pervasive," he probably would, according to The Washington Post.

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